Things I have lost

3 min readNov 24, 2020

This is me writing some stupid stuff.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

This is my story which I never thought of talking about.

Since a child, I was this curious brat who always indulged herself in reading books and creating tons of problems. I was in this innocent world without any problems just like the boy in Demian (a book you should read) having a small group of friends that I thought would never leave me, having loving parents and a loving sister.

My life was complete (or that’s what I thought) Then came the term ‘teen crush’ I still remember my bafflement when a friend told me about his crush, I still remember telling myself about how I am turning into a bad girl. This strange feeling also attacked me making me go boy crazy (it’s deadly stuff that will attack you once in a lifetime) all those teasing and embarrassing moments gained me more friends and made me lose some dear ones too.

And hence that’s how the term mental health came into play. I remembered that I used to tell myself that depression is nothing. I used to be so confused about why people are sad? WHAT IS MENTAL HEALTH ANYWAY?

I found my answer when it was the time for one of the most important exams, peer pressure, parental pressure, every kind of pressure decided to suddenly attack me with all the forces they had. My health and mental health deteriorated at a very fast pace. Then came choosing the course, one would like to study during the last 2 years of high school, all my friends went in different directions while there I was, all confused, my friends decided to change schools and here I was, stuck in the same school without anyone.

I felt betrayed.

I was naive, I thought that they would never leave me?

No this is not a blog about me losing my friends. (I think I got carried away)

I did meet new people though, but I began hating school, I was not interested in going there, you know why? Because I got a smartphone for myself. I spent my whole day reading stories, chatting with friends.

My grades health deteriorated.
My relationship with my family deteriorated.
My mental health deteriorated.

And then somehow I gave my final year exam and passed out as a high school graduate. (There was a lot of drama in between, and I am not gonna remember those nasty memories for now)

Now I look at my mates and see them, Almost everyone is in the top universities, and here I am, a couch potato, with no certain goal in my head.

Although I still am a baby in terms of life I think I understand a little bit about this world.

People lose, people gain

Looking back now, I can see myself losing my happiness, that carefree attitude, that lovely relationship I had with my family.

Although I gained many new life skills on my way too.

Let’s see where my path leads me.

(ps I am not a professional writer or something like that, this is just me writing because I had nothing to do)

Peace out!




Just a wandering soul who loves to write, but my lazy human body wont allow me to do so…… #trappedsadsoul